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We have two seasons available for players. Our Fall season registration opens in June with practices beginning in August and games beginning in September. Our Spring season registration opens in December with practices beginning in February and games beginning in March.

For registering a NEW player, you will need to have a copy of their birth certificate and a picture of just their face to use for their ID card. When you have this information ready - use the link below to register. Welcome to our program!

Team Formation

WSA forms teams using a blind draft system. If you have a friend that you would like for your child to play with, please send an email with your child's name, birth date and the request to

Coaches will receive their rosters at the coach meeting.

Team Pictures

Please see our calendar for the team picture day. Your coach will choose a time for your team and let you know when that is. 

You will also receive an email from WSA with instructions for picture day and how to order.


CLICK HERE for more info


Your coach should always be your first point of contact, but; your age level commissioner is here to help you! Please contact them with any questions that you may have.


See our About page for their contact information.


4U-6U: $110.00

7U-8U: $105.00

9U-10U: $105.00

11U-12U: $115.00

13U-14U: $115.00

15U-16U: $120.00

17U-18U: $130.00


A $10 late fee is added after regular registration closes.


Your coach will decide when and where practices will be held. They will be in contact with you after the coach meeting to provide you with this information.






All 4U-6U games will be played at the Waxahachie Sports Complex. For 7U and older, please see your game schedule for which city you will be playing in. 


CLICK HERE for a list of all fields.


We will try to answer all of the questions you may have here, but if you still need help, please contact us!




If your player will be playing with an Academy team this season, even if that team is not registered thru WSA - you can use THIS LINK to register your child for the Academy program. WSA does NOT place your player onto a team - you can choose any Academy team that you'd like.


If your child is in the 4U-6U age groups, their uniform is included.

For kids in 7U and older, your coach will choose your uniform and let you know how to purchase.​





PLEASE RESPECT THE REFEREES. It does not matter how old they are, or how well you think they are doing - they are the authority of the match. If you have any issues with your referee, please discuss it with your coach. Referee abuse will not be tolerated.

GotSport Help

GotSport is our registration and scheduling software. It can be a bit tricky to navigate at times so please utilize the link below for help if needed.


CLICK HERE for help.


All schedules are completed by a third party and we cannot control when they are released. They typically come out the Monday prior to the first game.


Games are typically played on Saturdays, but they can be any day of the week.



We utilize our calendar to help keep you up to date with important events. Please be sure to check it often for updates.


CLICK HERE for our calendar.

GotSport Login

You can visit or simply click on the link below or on the GotSport logo at the top of any page to login.


CLICK HERE to login



City of Waxahachie Field Status
(972) 938-5719

Waxahachie Sports Complex
151 Broadhead Rd, Waxahachie TX

WSA Office Hours
Sun: 12p-5p               Mon: Closed
Tues-Thur: 3p-6p        Fri: Closed
Sat: 9a-5p

WSA Voicemail: (469) 383-8298
WSA Email:
PO Box 130, Waxahachie TX 75168

© 2024 Waxahachie Soccer Association

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