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Welcome to our adult soccer league! Use the links below to register today!

Please view our calendar for more precise dates, but in general, the Spring season begins in March, the Summer season in June and the Fall season in September. We do not play a winter season.

Teams will play a minimum of 6 prelim games followed by finals games. There will be a minimum of 10 games each season.


Teams must have a minimum of 8 rostered players.

Unless you are a free agent, check with your team manager before registering.


The cost per player is $75.00. This includes all 10 games and referee fees.

Players can register for multiple divisions (such as womens and coed)


Games will be played 7v7 with a goalie on a field sized 60yds x 40yds. Offside will be played.​

No slide tackling.


COED: Girls count for 2 goals, max of 5 guy goals per team and 3 guy goals per individual.

2 girls required on the field.


All games will be played at the Waxahachie Sports Complex located at 151 Broadhead Rd.


Teams must wear shirts of the same color. Players must all have a permanently adhered number of no less than 4" on the back of their shirt.


All players must wear shinguards.


PLEASE RESPECT THE REFEREES. It does not matter how old they are, or how well you think they are doing - they are the authority of the match. If you have any issues with your referee, please discuss it with your manager. Referee abuse will not be tolerated.


Games will be played mainly on Thursday nights.

Games will begin at 7pm.


The schedule will be released the week prior to games.


We utilize our calendar to help keep you up to date with important events. Please be sure to check it often for updates.


CLICK HERE for our calendar.

City of Waxahachie Field Status
(972) 938-5719

Waxahachie Sports Complex
151 Broadhead Rd, Waxahachie TX

WSA Office Hours
Sun: 12p-5p               Mon: Closed
Tues-Thur: 3p-6p        Fri: Closed
Sat: 9a-5p

WSA Voicemail: (469) 383-8298
WSA Email:
PO Box 130, Waxahachie TX 75168

© 2024 Waxahachie Soccer Association

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